About Karin
Karin Merkle is the owner of Rapid City Dyslexia Care, a team of trained tutors who give specialized reading and spelling lessons to children and adults with dyslexia.
After teaching in the public schools for almost 20 years in a variety of settings including classroom, small-group, and one-on-one, Karin started her own private business in order to be able to use the Barton System. She loves to watch her students reading and spelling skills go up, right along with their self-confidence.
Karin resides in the Black Hills with her husband and two kids. In addition to tutoring, Karin strives to raise school and community awareness of dyslexia.
All About Dyslexia
Dyslexia. What Is It?
It is not rare.
Intelligent people have it.
It comes with some pretty cool skills.
It isn’t “seeing things backward”.
It occurs in people all over the world in people of all ages.
Dyslexia is a genetic brain wiring difference that causes difficulty with language, despite intelligence, motivation, and education.
Common Signs & Symptoms Of Dyslexia
Excellent thinking skills
Talent at building or creating
Good problem-solver
Good people skills
Great imagination
Reading that is slow, choppy, and inaccurate
Poor spelling
Difficulty in learning lists (letter names, months of the year, math facts)
Often skips or switches smaller words like the, a, my, his
Difficulty telling time on a clock with hands
Often labeled as “lazy” or “not trying hard enough”
The Dyslexic Perspective
Do people with dyslexia see things backwards?